Deep Dive: Account

February 3, 2023

Deep Dive: Account

Welcome to a comprehensive breakdown of the Account section of the platform. The Account section is broken into three parts that we will cover here in detail. It is made up of the Profile, the Inbox, and the Billing page. The profile is a personal page that each person, including yourself, will have. Upon sign up you and your subscribers will fill out your profile to start your journey in the platform. The Inbox is a tool that allows your subscribers to reach out to you privately to ask questions, reach out for help, and talk to you about things they may prefer not to add to the discussion. You can also use the Inbox to send platform wide announcements that land both in each subscribers platform and also their email. The Billing page is built to allow subscribers to update their payment method, see invoices for months paid, and cancel their subscription.In this article we will tour the profile, inbox, and billing page and teach you how to use each section. We will go over the profile question, notification settings in the profile, the chat function inside of the inbox, sending announcements, and show you how to use the billing page.

As a platform owner, one of the most important aspects of your Moon Boots app is the Account page. This is where your members will manage their profiles, track their progress, and access important settings and information. In this deep dive, we'll take a closer look at the core features of the Account page and how they can benefit both you and your members.

First up, let's talk about the Profile Picture.

This is where members can upload a photo of themselves (or anything they want) to personalize their profile. It's required to have a photo for your profile, but you can add anything you want. Encourage your members to choose a fun or meaningful photo that represents who they are or what they're interested in.

Next, we have the Account Information section.

This is where members can add their name, birthday, location, and any optional thought-provoking questions that you've chosen to include. As a platform owner, you can use this section to gather more information about your members or spark conversations. Remind your members to keep their information up-to-date so that they can receive relevant updates and notifications.

Now, let's move on to the Trophy Case.

This is where members can collect all of the achievements they earn from Progress-Based sections in the Content Page. As a platform owner, you have the ability to create your own achievements to encourage engagement and make your platform more fun. The rewards are gathered here, so be sure to create achievements that are challenging and rewarding for your members.

Moving on to the Settings Panels.

This is where members can update their email and password information as needed. Encourage your members to choose a strong password and update their email address if they need to. As a platform owner, you can also use this section to manage your account settings and access advanced features.

The Notification Settings

allow for granular control over which notifications get sent to your email. Platform owners and moderators have far more options than platform members. Since we do not currently have device push notifications, we rely solely on email and browser notifications to inform members on what is going on inside of your platform. Be sure to let your members know what types of notifications they can expect and how often they will receive them.

Moving on to the Inbox.

This is a tool that allows members to reach out to platform owners with private matters. Encourage your members to use the Discussion page for general questions and conversations, but let them know that they can use the Inbox for more private matters. As a platform owner, you can use the Inbox to send platform-wide announcement emails or reach out to any member.

Lastly, we have the Billing Page.

This is where members can download invoices, adjust their billing methods, and cancel their accounts. Remind your members to keep their billing information up-to-date so that they can continue to access your platform without interruption.

The Account page is a crucial component of the Moon Boots app. By encouraging your members to engage with their profiles, track their progress, and manage their settings and information, you can create a more personalized and engaging platform experience for everyone. Use this deep dive as a reference to help you teach your members about the core features of the Account page and how they can benefit from using it.

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