Brand Guidelines

February 3, 2023

Brand Guidelines

Welcome to the brand guidelines for Moon Boots. Here we will breakdown all the do’s and don’ts of using our logo in all media and across the internet. This should be short and sweet so let’s get started.

A brand is more than just a logo and a name. It's a set of values and attributes that define the personality and character of a business or organization. A strong brand can create a sense of identity and loyalty among customers, employees, and stakeholders. However, to maintain consistency and integrity in a brand, it's important to establish and follow brand use guidelines. In this article, we will discuss modern brand use guidelines for the Moon Boots brand.

Brand Identity

The Moon Boots brand is a private content delivery-centric social media platform that allows creators, artists, and instructors to sell subscriptions for access to their private community. As such, the Moon Boots brand should convey a sense of creativity, community, and imagination. Here are some guidelines for the Moon Boots brand identity:

  1. Logo: The Moon Boots logo is a stylized wordmark that should be used consistently across all communications. It should never be distorted or altered in any way. The logo can be used in black, white, or with it’s signature colors, depending on the background color.
  2. Color Palette: The Moon Boots color palette should include dark blue, white, and black. These colors should be used consistently across all communications to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
  3. Typography: The Moon Boots brand uses a modern and clean Gill Sans sans-serif font for its communications. This font should be used consistently across all materials, including print and digital media.

Brand Voice

The Moon Boots brand voice should convey a sense of creativity, community, and imagination. Here are some guidelines for the Moon Boots brand voice:

  1. Tone: The tone of the Moon Boots brand should be friendly, approachable, and conversational. It should be inclusive and welcoming to all users.
  2. Language: The language of the Moon Boots brand should be clear and concise, using simple and direct language that is easy to understand. It should be free of jargon and technical terms.
  3. Messaging: The messaging of the Moon Boots brand should focus on the benefits of the platform, such as access to exclusive content and a supportive community of creators, artists, and instructors.

Brand Guidelines

To ensure consistency and integrity in the Moon Boots brand, it's important to establish and follow brand guidelines. Here are some guidelines for using the Moon Boots brand:

  1. Logo Usage: The Moon Boots logo should be used consistently across all communications. It should never be distorted or altered in any way. The logo can be used in black or white, depending on the background color.
  2. Color Usage: The Moon Boots color palette should be used consistently across all communications to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. The dark blue color should be used sparingly as an accent color.
  3. Typography Usage: The Moon Boots brand uses a modern and clean sans-serif font for its communications. This font should be used consistently across all materials, including print and digital media.
  4. Image Usage: Images used in Moon Boots communications should reflect the creativity, community, and imagination of the brand. They should be high-quality, engaging, and visually appealing. They will be associated with space, sci-fi, exploration, pattern design, or futuristic symbolism.

Brand use guidelines for the Moon Boots brand should convey a sense of creativity, community, and imagination. To maintain consistency and integrity in the brand, it's important to establish and follow guidelines for the brand identity, voice, and usage. By following these guidelines, the Moon Boots brand can create a strong and recognizable identity that resonates with its target audience.

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